If you’ve ever watched a professional basketball game, you’ve probably seen one of Tim Grover’s clients in action. Tim is the owner of Attack Athletics and has over twenty years experience training athletes like Kobe Bryant, Charles Barkley, Dwayne Wade, Scottie Pippen, and Michael Jordan. He’s also the author of the bestselling book RELENTLESS: From Good to Great to Unstoppable.

This is a man who knows what success looks like.

Michael and I recently had the opportunity to hear Tim speak about his philosophies on business and leadership, and were able to learn a few things about what creates that competitive edge we’re all looking for. 

According to Tim, it starts with obsession. Professional athletes are born with talent and raised on passion. But the true factor that sets them apart is their single mindedness for the pursuit of greatness. They know that they want to be the best, so they do the things that get them there. It’s not so different for successful businesses.

Outcomes for businesses that have concrete visions for their future and those that simply go along with the flow are like night and day. Just because you’re passionate about something doesn’t mean you’re going to get the outcome you want. When you have specific goals for your business and clear action steps to help get you there, things start to fall into place.

It’s all about priorities. As Tim stated, “Everybody has time for the things they put first.”

Focusing on the tasks you’re best at and not obsessing over the small details helps keep that energy of “obsession” front and center. It doesn’t matter if you’re Michael Jordan working on your jump shot or an engineering firm turning a client concept into a tangible product -- keep improving on what you do best and it will set you apart from the rest of the crowd.

This is one of the reasons outsourcing is so important. It allows you to make more time for the things you’re good at, and to leave the rest up to businesses who specialize in everything else. In fact, 57% of organizations currently outsourcing one or more tasks do so to focus more on their core business.

Tim’s talk taught me to concentrate on what we do best at Digital Minds International, and how that can help our clients get the best out of their own goals. What are your long term goals for your business? Is there something holding you back?

If technology happens to be that challenge right now, we’re here to take on the details  -- so you can focus on the big picture. Give us a chance to show you how we can take technology off your plate. Call us today at 615-843-5001.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

- Jordan