As of January 28th, Android/Morder.A virus has been reported. It is a Trojan virus that seems like a helpful application that will infect your entire phone. The virus disguises itself as a PDF or image reader and once downloaded, infects your phone. After the malware is executed, it will pose itself as the admin so you can’t remove it.


One of the frightening things about this virus is that it can turn your camera on and off to take photos. For me, that is just a creep factor that makes me shudder. The other most alarming feature is that it can track your location giving the hacker your whereabouts. In addition to these features, the malware can record audio and your calls, leak your phone call history, leak your contacts, delete or download your files, and execute commands.


This isn’t a high risk yet. It’s a new virus that has only been out a short time. It’s a reminder of all the sensitive data that hackers can get a hold of to make you vulnerable.


Remember, don’t download items from unknown websites and don’t open suspicious emails or attachments! If you are unaware of the security of your company’s data, give us a call today!